Dec 16 2016
WOD NOTES Some Squat work today. FitnessĀ Back Squats 5-4-3-2-1 Increasing loads on each set Then…. 4 RFT 14 alternating DB Snatch 12 V-ups 10 Calorie Row Performance Back Squats 5 reps @70% 4 reps @75% 3 reps @80% 2 reps @85% 1 rep @90% Then…. 4 RFT 14 DB Single arm OHS 50/35 (7 each) 12 T2B 10 Calorie Assault bike or Ski erg Sport Power Snatch 2-2-1-1-1 + High box jumps 1-1-1-1-1 6 sets 60 seconds Row 30 seconds Rest Record total meters
Dec 15 2016
WOD NOTES Pulling day…. Increasing loads on the RDL if posture is maintained. Fitness 4 sets BB RDL x 8 reps Rest 60 seconds Renegade rows x 10 (5 each) Rest 60 seconds Banded face pulls x 12 reps Rest 60 seconds EMOM x 10 5 DB Push press (each arm) 5 Burpees Add 1 rep on the burpee each set if possible… Performance 20 minutes Build up to 1 RM Thruster (no rack) EMOM x 10 5 Thrusters 95/65 5 Burpee over bar Add 1 rep on the burpee each set if possible… Sport C&J EMOM x 10 @70% OHS Work up to heavy 3 RM C1) Bench press 5 x 1 C2) Loaded scapular pullups x 3 (3 sec hold) C3) Strict pull ups x ME Perform C2/C3 as a superset
Dec 14 2016
WOD NOTES Testing your pullup volume and a rotating EMOM with some accessory work. Fitness Every 2 minutes x 5 Pull up challenge rep scheme EMOM x 4 rounds 1 = Bent over KB row x 8-10 2 = Row x 10 calories 3 = Side plank x 20 sec each Performance EMOM x 10 Strict Pull ups Goal is 50+ total reps EMOM x 4 rounds 1 = Bent over KB row x 8-10 2 = DU x 30 UB 3 = HS Hold x 20 seconds
Dec 13 2016
WOD NOTES How far can you go today? Fitness A) DB Shoulder press 4 x 8-12 B) DB lateral raise w/eccentric 3 x 6-8 C) Tate press 4 x 8-10 Then… “Death by wall balls” 2-4-6-8-10-12 and so on…. Performance 15 minutes Work up to heavy Jerk from the rack “Death by wall balls” 2-4-6-8-10-12 and so on…. Sport A) Snatch balance 5 x 1 B) Front Squats 5 @70% 4 @72% 3 @75% 2 @80% 1 @85% C1) Snatch grip Push press 4 x 5 D1) Chinese DB Row 4 x 10 D2) DB lateral raise + eccentric 4 x 6