Jan 28 2016

Jan 28 2016

Some straight forward “grunt work” today.
Between sets while resting make sure to keep moving and stay limber.

Fitness and Performance

Dynamic prep:
2 sets
Partner shoulder opener x 30 seconds
Cossack squats x 10 reps
Seal walk x 10 – 15 steps

5 sets
3 minute clock
400 m row
30 DU
AMRAP Burpees
Rest 3 minutes


Dynamic prep
2-3 sets
Partner shoulder opener x 30 seconds
Triceps smash x 30 seconds each
Prayer stretch x 30 seconds

5 x 3
Jerk drive 70-85%

Split Jerks
80-85-90% x 3 waves

20 minutes
Work up to a heavy single

12 minute AMRAP
60 calorie row
50 wall balls 20/14
40 T2B
30 Pistols
20 MU
