Some strict strength work performed as a circuit.
Between sets work on your rowing technique at a lower stroke rate.
Dynamic prep
2 sets
Band hip hinge x 30 seconds each side
Straight arm band pull downs x 12 reps
Supported leg lifts x 10 reps
Fitness and Performance
4 sets
Dead lifts x 10-12 reps @50-65%
Elbows out ring rows x 12
DB Walking lunges x 20 steps
2 minutes light row @20-24 SPM
Dynamic prep
Prayer stretch x 60 sec
Wrist mob x 30 sec
Russian baby maker x 6 reps
Clean and Jerk
75-80-85% x 2 waves
Clean pulls 4 x 3 @95-110%
5 x 3 @80%
3 sets
30 seconds HS Hold (chest to wall)
30 seconds Rest
30 seconds CTB
30 seconds Rest
30 seconds MU
30 seconds Rest