Some longer rowing practice.
Then a 500 m sprint.
Go hard and good luck.
Fitness and Performance
Dynamic prep
Banded perfect stretch x 30 seconds
Partner assisted chest opener x 30 seconds
Boot straps x 6 reps
For times
Rest 1:1
1000 m row @20-24 SPM
500 m row @22-28 SPM
250 m row @26-30 SPM
Rest 5 minutes
500 m row @ME
Dynamic Prep:
Partner pec opener x 45 sec
Indian club circles x 12
Band hip flexor stretch x 45 sec
5 minutes
Lunge walking practice to be discussed in class
5 minutes
Bar facing burpee practice to be discussed in class
5 minutes
C2B cycling practice to be discussed in class
Perform 1 round of 16.1 with a HR monitor and record time to complete and HR
Rest 3 minutes
Perform 2 rounds of 16.1 with a HR monitor and record splits and HR
Finish with a solid plan for tomorrow’s 20 minutes of “suck”