After partner one completes the row, partner two starts the wall balls.
5 minutes of work : 5 minutes of rest
Partner AMRAPS
6 x 1:00 rounds
Wall ball 20/14
KB Swings 20/16
Box jumps – step down
Anchored ab mat sit ups
Row for calories
Jerk w/pause at dip and lockout
3 x 1 @77%
3 x 1 @80%
3 x 1 @82%
pause @parallel + @botom + @parallel
3 x 2 @65%
3 x 2 @70%
3 x 2 @75%
A1) Chinese DB rows 4 x 8-10 (2123)
A2) Band straight arm pull downs 4 x 12-15 (31X1)
A3) BB Good mornings/Belt good mornings 4 x 10-12 (2112)
Rest 60-90 seconds between exercises