Recently my girlfriend an I traveled to Mexico for 10 days.
While on vacation our workouts were subject to equipment and space.
The beach is a beautiful area to relax and a great opportunity to practicing some skills:
- handstands
- push ups
- air squats
- pistol squats
- running technique
- swimming technique
We stayed the first 4 days in a condo that had a small gym. We were fortunate that their was an old rusty olympic bar, some dumbbells and some open space. Our workouts were:
WOD 1:
5 rounds of heavy deadlifts
followed by, the following movements for time:
10 dumbbell snatches 55 lbs
400 m run
10 dumbbell snatches 55 lbs
800 m run
10 dumbbell snatches 55 lbs
1 mile run
Keith 19:56
Kelly 22:37
WOD 2:
25 Back squats 135 lbs
50 double unders
25 Front squats 95 lbs
50 double unders
25 Overhead squats 65 lbs
50 double unders
Kelly 9:15
Keith 10:12
WOD 3:
5 rounds of max reps of:
Body weight bench press
Pull up
2 minutes rest
6-12,5-8,5-8,5-8,3-8 @185#
These workouts were fun and helped us maintain our fitness while away.
The last half of the trip we visited the local CrossFit gym for some great workouts.
“Never let equipment or space be a limiting factor to a good workout. “