Level 1 tests:
2 sets
Bench dips (feet elevated) x 10-15
Rest 60 seconds
Max rep pull ups (banded okay)
Rest 60 seconds
with dowel:
OHS hold x 20-30 seconds
3 sets:
1 minute of skip rope for max reps
3 minute AMRAP
10 wall balls
10 Russian swings
Rest 1 minute between sets, score is # of rounds and total skips
Level 2 tests:
2 sets
Ring dips x 3-6
Rest 60 seconds
3-5 pull up negatives (3 sec eccentric)
Rest 60 seconds
Unbroken DU x 30-50
3 sets:
1 minute of DU for max reps
3 minute AMRAP
10 wall balls
10 KB swings 24/16
Rest 1 minute between sets, score is # of rounds and total skips
Work up to today’s working weight
For times:
Row 1200 m
10 Back Squats 175/125
Rest 3 minutes
Row 800 m
15 Back Squats 155/105
Rest 3 minutes
Row 400 m
20 Back Squats 135/95