Feb 8 2014

Feb 8 2014


Fitness and Performance

“5 K Shuttle”

Teams of 2, For time:
Both working at the same time, both complete all reps

1000 m row + 10 shuttle sprints
750 m row + 8 shuttle sprints
500 m row + 6 shuttle sprints
250 m row + 4 shuttle sprints

Sprints are 1 length of gym floor divided in 2 equal parts


15 minutes to complete ladder
10 snatches @75#/55#
8 snatches @95#/60#
6 snatches @115#/65#
4 snatches @135#/75#
2 snatches @155#/80#
With time remaining 1 RM max weight

Rest 5 minutes

6 minutes to establish your 3 RM OHS

Rest 5 minutes

1000 m row @95%
Rest 4 minutes
1000 m row @95%


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