Workout 1:
“Burpee relay”
For time:
50 crossover skip rope
250 m row
30 burpees
40 backwards skip rope
250 m row
20 burpees
30 DU
250 m row
10 burpees
Rowing and skipping is performed at the same time, burpees must be performed as alternating.
Workout 2:
“Skills and power”
Each athlete must pick 2 options
-3 attempts @kneeling med ball throw
-1 attempt @max shuttle runs in 60 seconds
-3 attempts @max watts on rower
-3 attempts @max distance broad jump
Workout 3:
“Obstacle course”
For time:
1 length tire flips (together)
alternating shuttle sand bag carry filling the wheel barrow
1 lap wheel barrow sprint (together)
1 length tire flips (together)
alternating shuttle sand bag carry to finish