March 13 2015 Open 15.3 Prep and Scaled

March 13 2015 Open 15.3 Prep and Scaled



3 sets NFT:
Band reverse fly’s T-Y-I’s x 6’s
Bench or assisted ring dips x 5-8 reps
Deep squat hold x 30 seconds
Skipping practice x 30 seconds

14 minute AMRAP
7 Burpee pull ups
50 Wall balls 20/14
100 DU or 200 SU


3 sets NFT:
Band reverse fly’s T-Y-I’s x 6’s
False grip ring row x 3-6
Baby MU x 1-3
UB DU x 15-30

14 minute AMRAP
7 MU
50 Wall balls 20/14
100 DU


10 minutes:
DU skill work, working on timing, tempo and determine sets/reps to complete 100’s

20 minutes:
MU Drills:
False grip
Baby MU or assisted MU
Jumping MU
Tuck MU from floor

15.3 Tester:
2-3 sets for feel, tempo and pacing
30 seconds MU
30 seconds Wall balls
30 seconds DU

