Today we get into an explosive complex.
Complete the DL reps then immediately push the empty sled as fast as possible.
You should really feel the glutes fire up on this one!!! #bootyshorts
Dead lifts 5-5-3-3-2 +
Sled push x 2 lengths
7 minute AMRAP
10 OHS w/dowel or training bar
5 burpee pull ups
50 SU
Power clean + 2 Front squats 1-1-1-1-1 +
High box jumps 1-2-1-2-1
7 minute AMRAP
10 OHS 75/55
5 burpee CTB
20 DU
**Snatch + 2 OHS 1-1-1-1-1 +
High box jumps 1-2-1-2-1
**Review August 21 2014
7 minute AMRAP
10 OHS 115/755
5 Bar MU
20 DU