
WOD NOTES Testing your skipping mechanics then some pushing endurance. For the strength superset take your time with the movements and build loading over each set. Pay close attention to the tempo today. FitnessĀ  DU Practice 30 seconds DU practice 30 seconds Rest x 4 sets 4 sets Band pull aparts x 12 (31X1) Bench press x 8 (32X2) Rest 3 minutes 3 sets Close grip DB press x 12 Band triceps kick back x 15 Rest 2 minutes Performance DU Tester 5 x 30 UB Rest 1:1 4 sets Band pull aparts x 12 (31X1) Bench press x 8 (32X2) Rest 3 minutes 3 sets Close grip DB press x 12 Band triceps kick back x 15 Rest 2 minutes  

NOVEMBER NOTES Time to break in the new gym. Focus for this month will be improving pull up efficiency and volume. WOD NOTES Both partners perform all the calories and core work. Alternating when possible. FitnessĀ  For time, with a partner 40-30-20-10-5 Calories Rowing 25-20-15-10-5 Hollow rocks Performance For time, with a partner 50-40-30-20-10 Calories Rowing 25-20-15-10-5 Hollow rocks Sport Power Snatch 5 x 1 @ 75% Front Squats 2 x 3@70% 2 x 3@75% 1 x 3 @80% Push press 4 x 4@75% 3 x 15 Hollow rocks

WOD NOTES Perform each set in a different order and compare your times. Set one and four are the same. Set two and five are the same. Set three and six are the same. FitnessĀ  6 mixed sets for times: Kettle bell Swings x 20 Assault Bike x 10 calories Box jumps x 5 Rest 3 minutes between sets Performance 6 mixed sets for times: Kettle bell Swings x 20 Assault Bike x 15 calories Box jumps x 10 Rest 3 minutes between sets Sport Clean grip Sotts press 5 x 5 EMOM x 5 Snatch @70% Every 90 seconds x 5 Clean and Jerk @70%  

WOD NOTES Last weekend in the “Old Gym”…. Fitness and Performance 4 sets Bulgarian split squats x 10 each leg Russian twist x 20 DU Practice x 60 seconds Rest 60 seconds between each exercise Teams of 2, 10 rounds (5 each person) Alternating full sets 20 KB Swings 15 Wall balls Sport Prep and warm up as needed with direction from your coach. Good luck with this max out session. 30 minutes Build up to Snatch 1 RM 30 minutes Build up to Clean and Jerk 1 RM
