
WOD NOTES Repeatable power output testing. Take your 2 K Row pace then add 25 seconds and divide by four. Your goal is to row at the pace and ski at pace +5. Good luck and stay smooth. Scores will be + or – today’s goal. Fitness and Performance 500 m Row @22-26 Rest 3 minutes 500 m Ski @26-30 Rest 3 minutes 500 m Row @22-26 Rest 3 minutes 500 m Ski @26-30 Rest 3 minutes 500 m row @22-26 Rest 3 minutes 500 m Ski @26-30

WOD NOTES Hypertrophy day. Make sure to feel the pump and increase loading on each set if possible. Fitness and Performance Strict Shoulder Press 10-8-8-5-5-5 4 sets Alternating DB front raises x 6-10 each Band reverse fly’s x 15 3 sets Alternating DB Biceps curls x 8-12 each Band triceps push down x 12 V ups x 15 Sport 4″ Deficit Power Clean 5 sets x 1 @80% Split Jerk x 10 sets 2@80%, 2@82%, 2@82%, 2@84%, 2@86%, 2@88% Front Squat Complex 1 Pause squat + 1 Double bounce + 1 Front Squat 6 sets @72.5%

WOD NOTES You will have to move quickly to complete the reps before each one minute buzzer. Scale the reps as needed to complete each piece in time. Good luck rebels. Fitness EMOM x 21 1 = 10 Ring rows 2= 12 Wall balls 3= 12/10 Calorie Row Performance EMOM x 21 1 = 8 CTB or Pull ups 2 = 12/10 Calorie Assault bike 3= 15 Wall balls 20/14 Sport Deficit Snatch 4″ 10 sets x 1 @75% Then perform the Performance EMOM

WOD NOTES Work down the list today in an alternating pattern. Alternate reps as needed today. Fitness and Performance Teams of 2, For time: 50 Calorie Row 40 KB 30 Box jumps 20 Slam ball 20# 50 DU 20 Slam ball 20# 30 Box jumps 40 KB 50 Calorie Row Sport Dynamic prep Indian club circles x 20 Primal pass thru x 1 length Band reverse fly’s x 15 Build up to 1 RM Snatch w/2″ deficit Build up to 1 RM Clean w/2″ deficit Build up to 1 RM Split Jerk    
