Author Archives: admin

Nutrition Most root vegetables are high in complex carbohydrates, which give you energy and the ability to function properly. They are also high in fiber and phytonutrients.  Additionally, they are generally high in vitamin C, beta-carotene, and contain essential minerals such as potassium, phosphorous, magnesium and small amounts of iron.  Health Benefits There are many health benefits to eating root vegetables. They will not only improve your physical well being, but improve your mental health as well. This is due to their high amounts of antioxidants which help to remove harmful free radicals and toxins from the body. carrots, sweet potatoes, and turnips contain: vitamin C beta-carotene prevent high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. Onions and garlic are very good for the heart: prevent blood from clotting help to lower cholesterol and blood pressure help to prevent heart disease and stroke build up your immune system Another great health…

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This weekend we had a family thanks giving trip to Seattle.  Between grocery shopping, roasting vegetables and carving turkey we tried to fit in some workouts. While visiting Seattle we had the opportunity to drop in to the first CrossFit affiliate: Level 4, CrossFit Seattle.  The gym is a large warehouse space but you never feel lost or over-looked.  The skilled coaching made us feel comfortable and safe at all times. CrossFit Seattle runs classes in various formats, THESE GUYS HAVE SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE!   Level 1:  General class. Learn fundamental techniques and good form.  Level 2: More advanced programming and must pass the level 1 testing from CrossFit Seattle. Basic Barbell: Covers the deadlift, squat and press.  Beginners get in-depth help with fundamental techniques and proper form.  Experienced lifters will learn and practice advanced techniques. O Lifting: Detailed instruction on the snatch and the clean & jerk. This class…

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This past weekend we took on the Super Spartan race in Squamish.  The course was 8 miles of single track trail running that started at the logger sports arena, through the smoke bluffs, to crumpit woods and back again, with the following obstacles: run a flight of stairs, then blow up a balloon climb over a cargo net mud crawl under barbed wire spear throw rope climb various walls to climb over hill run cinder block pull tire flip wall shimmy The penalty for not completing an obstacle was 25 burpees before continuing the race. YAH BURPEES!!! Overall, this was another good experience.

My brother came up for a visit and we had the opportunity to talk about fitness and re visit some old memories.  As kids we were always active either with sports, building secret forts in the woods or running around with the neighbour kids .  We never worried about getting in a workout because everything we did was functional and fun. As adults we forgot how much fun playing is and how much it will benefit our health and wellness. Next time you get bored with a workout, change things up and get creative: get outside, climb a tree, have a scavenger hunt, swing on the monkey bars, play in a puddle, roll down a hill, don’t even think of acting your age. LOL!
