Author Archives: Keith Riel

WOD NOTES Positional practice with a squat focus. Fitness 15 minutes working on OHS positioning/mobility Back Squats (3 sec pause at bottom) 4 x 3 @75% Performance 15 minutes Triples of OHS with clean grip Back Squats (3 sec pause at bottom) 4 x 3 @75% Sport Split Jerk (2 sec pause @bottom of dip) 3 x 2 @65% 3 x 1 @75% 3 x 1 @80% Clean with 2 pauses (1″ off floor & below knee) 3 x 1 @70% 3 x 1 @75% 3 x 1 @80% Front Squats (3 sec pause at bottom) 4 x 2 @80%

WOD NOTES Some classic CrossFit work today…. Fitness “Dirty Thirty” For time: 30 Box jump 30 Jumping pull-ups 30 Kettlebell swings 16kg 30 Walking Lunge 30 Knees to elbows 30 Push press, 45 pounds 30 Back extensions 30 Wall ball 30 Burpees 30 DU Performance “Filthy Fifty” For time: 50 Box jump 50 Jumping pull-ups 50 Kettlebell swings 16kg 50 Walking Lunge 50 Knees to elbows 50 Push press, 45 pounds 50 Back extensions 50 Wall ball 50 Burpees 50 Double unders

WOD NOTES Conditioning and core work blended together for a long circuit. Pace is the name of the game today. Fitness and Performance 3 Rounds 60 seconds Ski erg (calories) 2 minutes Rest* 60 seconds Assault bike (calories) 2 minutes Rest* 60 seconds Row (calories) 2 minutes Rest* *During the rest period perform one of the following: 15 Hollow rocks or 8 Strict hanging knee raises or 30 Mt. Climbers or 12 V sit ups or 25 ab mat sit ups or Sport Power Snatch (2 sec pause @knee) 5 x 2 @80% HBBS (5 sec hold @bottom) 8 x 3 @70% Hollow rocks 30:30 x 4

WOD NOTES Team workout today will be alternating movements. Fitness  4 sets Seated alternating DB Press x 12-20 reps Band pull aparts x 15 Hollow hold x 20 seconds Teams of 2, 15 minute AMRAP 5 Box jumps 10 DB Push press 15 Ring Rows Performance 15 minutes Build up to Heavy 3 Push press 3 sets 400 m row 15 Thrusters 95/65 Rest 1:1 Sport Snatch grip Sotts press 3 x 5 Positional loading Halting Snatch (2 sec @knee) 3 x 1 @75% 3 x 1 @80% 3 x 1 @85% Halting clean (2 sec @knee) 6 x 1 @80%  

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