Author Archives: Keith Riel

Level 2 Skills 3 sets Butterfly pull ups x 10-15 (unbroken) Ring L-sit x 30 seconds Conditioning 3 rounds for time 15 pull ups 20 shoulder to overhead 95/65 25 push ups Level 1 Skills 3 sets Practice kipping x 6-12 reps V sit ups x 10 Conditioning 3 rounds for time 5 pull ups 10 push ups 15 DB push press 40#/25#  Fitness Skills 3 sets Horizontal ring rows x 6-12 Side plank hold x 30 seconds each side Conditioning 3 rounds for time 5 push ups 10 DB push press 30#/20# 25 ab mat sit ups  

All levels Mobility 15 minutes Banded pigeon with torso rotation Banded high hamstring unleashing Foam roll upper back and lats Foam roll quads and hip flexors Conditioning 21 minute Row with rate increase First 6 minutes @20-22 SPM Next 5 minutes @22-24 SPM Next 4 minutes @24-26 SPM Next 3 minutes @26-28 SPM Next 2 minutes @28-30 SPM Last 1 minute @30 + SPM Record total distance travelled ***If anyone is feeling up for it try this one on the ski erg 🙂

All levels Teams of 2, one person working at a time, alternate as needed “Share the fight” 3 rounds for reps 2 minutes at each station Wall balls 20/14 SDHP 75#/55# Box jumps 20″ Push press 75#/55# Row calories Count total reps for score

Level 1 and fundamentals 3 sets DB Floor press x 10-12 KB swings x 20 (Heavy Russian) Conditioning 3 rounds for time 12 Burpees 250 m run100 skip rope revolutions Level 2’s Barbell floor press 3-3-3-3-3 Conditioning 3 rounds for time 12 DB Burpees 250 m run 50 DU    
