April 12 2013
Strength Barbell complex x 5 Level 2: five Snatch Pull from Below Knee, five Hang Snatch from Above Knee, five Overhead squats, Level 1: shankle complex…one deadlift, three pulls, one squat clean, & two jerks Fundamentals: one DB dead lift, 3 DB shrugs, DB hang clean, & two DB Split jerk Conditioning All levels 5 minute running clock, rest with time remaining 4 x 400 m sprints 2 sets: Running 2 sets: Rowing 2 sets: Ski erg 2 sets: Airdyne (sub 25 cal) Record time of each 400 m piece Choose any two and repeat
April 11 2013
Level 2 Strength 12 minutes Work up to a heavyish 5 rep OHS Conditioning For time 30 Back squats 135/95 100 DU 10 HSPU 20 Front squats 115/85 75 DU 10 HSPU 10 Overhead squats 95/65 50 DU 10 HSPU Level 1 and Fitness Strength 3 sets of Back Squats x 6-8 reps Horizontal ring row x 8-12 reps Plank hold x 45 seconds Conditioning For time 750 m row 75 skip rope revolutions 500 m row 50 skip rope revolutions 250 m row 25 skip rope revolutions
April 10 2013
Level 2 and 1 Skills 15 minutes of gymnastics skills practice of your choice: K2E, T2B, HSPU, Dips etc… Conditioning 5 rounds for time 10 KB swings 20 M walk w/KB in front rack position 10 T2B ***3 burpee interruptions EMOM Fundamentals Skills 3 sets Bench dips x 12-15 reps Hollow rocks x 6-10 Conditioning 5 rounds for time 10 KB swings 20 m w/KB in front rack position 10 wall balls ***3 burpee interruptions EMOM Rest 2 minutes between sets
April 9 2013
Level 2 Strength Thrusters 2-2-2-2-2 Conditioning 3 rounds for time 7 Front Squats 155/105 or 80% 21 pull ups Level 1 Strength Push press 5-5-5-5-5 Conditioning 3 rounds for time 21 goblet squats 7 pull ups Fitness Strength 3 sets KB Dead lifts x 12 DB single arm shoulder press x 6 each Conditioning 3 rounds for time 21 KB swings 7 V sit ups