Author Archives: Keith Riel

Here is an interesting info graphic about the top athletes from 2012 CrossFit open.

Competition group Work up the following ladder for 7 minutes 3 C&J 135/115/95 3 T2B 6 C&J 135/115/95 6 T2B 9 C&J 135/115/95 9 T2B ….and so on Level 2 Strength 3 sets DB thrusters x 6 Single leg bridge hold x 30 seconds For time 30 wall balls 20/14 30 KB swings 24/16 400 m run 30 pull ups (15 for ladies) 30 box jumps 24/20 Level 1 Strength 3 sets DB thrusters x 6 Single leg bridge hold x 30 seconds For time 30 wall balls 14/10 30 KB swings 16/12 400 m run 15 banded pull ups 30 step ups 24/20

Competition group “Rest day” Mobilize and practice some skills All levels Strength 5 sets Front Squats 3-6 reps Spend 60-90 seconds on mobility between sets Conditioning 2 rounds for calories 60 seconds on airdyne 60 seconds rest 60 seconds on rower 60 seconds of rest 60 seconds on ski erg

Competition group Clean and Jerk (T&G) 3-3-3-3-3 Increasing load Kipping practice T2B practice  Ladder for time: 3 clean and jerks 135/115/95 3 T2B 6 of each movement 9 of each movement All levels Strength 4 sets for loads Bench press x 3-6 Bent over DB row x 6-8 Conditioning 3 rounds for reps 60 seconds of push ups 30 seconds rest 60 seconds of KB swings 30 seconds rest 60 seconds of box jumps 30 seconds rest 60 seconds of sit ups 30 seconds rest 60 seconds of Rowing for calories 30 seconds of rest
