Author Archives: Keith Riel

WOD NOTES Building up to an 5RM back squat takes a substantial amount of energy. Make sure to take plenty of time between sets. Fitness and Performance (20-25 minutes) Back Squats Work up to a heavy 5 (positional maxes only) For time: 1000 m row 50 Wall balls Sport E2MO2M x 3 Muscle Snatch doubles E2MO2M x 4 Power Snatch doubles E2M02M x 5 Halting Snatch DL + Snatch Dead Stop Front Squats Build up to 1 RM Any forward lean and you’re out!!!!

WOD NOTES Testing your gymnastics endurance. The goal is to complete 50+ reps over the 10 sets. Fitness EMOM x 10 Push ups B1) BB Strict Shoulder press 4 x 8-12 B2) Band reverse fly’s 4 x 15 B3) Triceps Push downs 4 x 10-12 Performance EMOM x 10 HSPU B1) BB Strict Shoulder press 4 x 8-12 B2) Band reverse fly’s 4 x 15 B3) Triceps Push downs 4 x 10-12

WOD NOTES In the spirit of the holiday’s its time for the classic xmas WOD. Perform the workout just like the song…. Fitness “12 Days” 1 250  m Row 2 Push ups 3 DB Thrusters 4 Burpees 5 Step ups 6 Ring rows 7 KB Swings 8 DB Snatches (4 each) 9 V ups 10 Walking Lunges 11 Calorie Assault bike 12 Man-Makers Performance “12 Days” 1 Snatch 115/75 2 Bar Muscle-Ups 3 DB Thrusters 40/25 4 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20 5 HSPU 6 CTB 7 KB Swings 32/24 8 Wall balls 20/14 9 Toes to Bar 10 Walking Lunges 11 Ring Dips 12 Man-Makers 40/25 Sport Power Clean 2 RM 1 Floor + 1 Hang HBBS 5 RM then… 2 x 3 at same load C1) Cable lat pulldown 4 x 8-12 C2) Ring dips 4 x 5-8 C3) 1/2 kneeling Pallof press 4 x 6

WOD NOTES 2 part workout today. Starting to play around with “open style” workouts. Fitness START THE CLOCK… For time 25-20-15-10 Calorie Rowing Wall balls @20 MINUTES ON THE CLOCK, START… 8 minute AMRAP 10 Burpees 20 DU 30 Sit ups 40 Walking lunges Performance START THE CLOCK… For time 27-21-15-9 Wall balls 20/14 Power Snatch 75/55 @20 MINUTES ON THE CLOCK, START… 3 RFT 21 Calorie Row 7 FS 155/105 5 Burpee over bar Sport Snatch grip sotts press Warm up and positioning 3 x 5 Hang Snatch 3 RM 1 floor + 2 from hang Clean Dead lift 8 RM (no rounding of the back at all) Then 2 x 5 at same load
