Category Archives: WOD

WOD NOTES After partner one completes the row, partner two starts the wall balls. 5 minutes of work : 5 minutes of rest Partner AMRAPS 6 x 1:00 rounds Wall ball 20/14 KB Swings 20/16 Box jumps – step down Anchored ab mat sit ups Row for calories Sport Jerk w/pause at dip and lockout 3 x 1 @77% 3 x 1 @80% 3 x 1 @82% HBBS pause @parallel + @botom + @parallel 3 x 2 @65% 3 x 2 @70% 3 x 2 @75% A1) Chinese DB rows 4 x 8-10 (2123) A2) Band straight arm pull downs 4 x 12-15 (31X1) A3) BB Good mornings/Belt good mornings 4 x 10-12 (2112) Rest 60-90 seconds between exercises

WOD NOTES The goal today is to address a weakness. Stay focused and discuss your movement selection with your trainer. EMOM x 20 Goat One Goat Two Sport Jerk recoveries 2 x 2 @100% 2 x 1 @110% 2 x 1 @115% Clean grip Sotts press 3 sets x 5 Narrow grip OHS Build to heavy triple  

WOD NOTES Todays workout will be performed as a “death by” format. Start the first round with 2 Calories and 1 Burpee. Each round add 2 calories and 1 Burpee. Example: Start clock 0:00 – 2:00 = 2 Cals + 1 Burpee 2:01 – 4:00 = 4 Cals + 2 Burpees 4:01 – 6:00 = 6 Cals + 3 Burpees And so on….until failure…. Fitness E2MO2M Row Calories Burpees Performance E2MO2M Ski Calories Burpees Sport Power Snatch w/pause @knee 2 x 1 @80% 2 x 1 @82% 2 x 1 @85% Front Squats w/pause @bottom 3 x 3 @75% 3 x 2 @80% Incline Bench press Work up to 10 RM Then…2 sets of 10 @80% of today’s # Body building bonus Super set x 4 Barbell biceps curl x 10 + Band triceps push down x 15 Rest 2 minutes

WOD NOTES Gymnastics focused skill work followed by some “man” work… Fitness and Performance 3 sets Every 2 minutes switch stations Station one: 5-8 ring dips or ring push ups Station two: 20 Scapular push ups or wall assisted HS hold x 30 seconds Station three: Hollow rocks or holds x 30 seconds 4 sets 2 minutes on : 2 minutes off 15/10 Calories Assault bike AMRAP DB Man makers (Push-Up, Row Left, Row Right, Power Clean + Push Press)  
