Category Archives: WOD

WOD NOTES Strength and Stability day. The conditioning portion is not for time, but the goal is to keep moving if possible at a nice steady pace. Fitness and Performance Push press* 5-5-5-5-5 *between each set = 6 loaded scapular pull ups 5 RNFT Strict Pull ups** 100 feet Farmer Carry 25 DU **use the number of reps from our pull up challenge sheets Sport Jerk w/2 sec pause in dip 4 x 1 @75% 4 x 1 @80% Clean w/2 sec pauses (1″ & @knee) 3 x 1 @77% 3 x 1 @80% 3 x 1 @82% HBBS 3 sets x  8-12 reps Partner glute/ham raises 3 sets x 6-8 reps

WOD NOTES Working on power development followed by the O’Neil 4 minute test. Compare results to the following chart. Women Excellent Good Above Average Average Below Average 19-29 Lwt 1078 1038 958 878 798 30-39 Lwt 1050 1010 929 849 769 40-49 Lwt 1030 990 909 829 749 50-59 Lwt 1011 971 891 811 730 60-69 Lwt 992 951 871 791 711 70-79 Lwt 973 933 852 772 692 19-29 Hwt 1105 1065 985 905 824 30-39 Hwt 1057 1017 936 856 776 40-49 Hwt 1044 1004 923 843 763 50-59 Hwt 1037 997 917 836 756 60-69 Hwt 1023 983 903 823 743 70-79 Hwt 944 904 823 743 663 Lwt = 61.5Kg or less (9st 9lb) Men Excellent Good Above Average Average Below Average 19-29 Lwt 1243 1203 1122 1042 962 30-39 Lwt 1227 1187 1107 1026 946 40-49 Lwt 1208 1168 1087 1007 927 50-59 Lwt 1172…

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WOD NOTES Back to our regular Saturday team WOD’s… Our team workout will work in stations. Partners will rotate stations when rower is finished. Fitness and Performance 15 minutes Working Snatch technique Or Snatch doubles w/ pause @knee Up to 75% Teams of 3, 15 minute AMRAP Station one: 10 Step ups 5 Pull ups Station two: 5 Burpees 10 GTOH w/DB -alt Station three: 400 m row Sport Dynamic prep Indian clubs x 20 Band pull aparts x 15 Hip flexor release x 60 sec Russian baby makers x 60 sec Clean w/pause at knee Work up to 1 RM Snatch w/pause at knee Work up to 1 RM

WOD NOTES Testing your pull up capacity to plan our pull up volume strength cycle… Based on your results follow the programming chart posted in the gym. You will have to focus on your pullups 3x week for the next 6 weeks to see progress. Good luck REBELS… Fitness 10 minutes Establish your max reps of strict pull ups unbroken. If you require assistance? Talk to your trainer about options. EMOM x 15 One = 150 m Row Two = 10 push ups Three = 10 bar hang scapular pullups Performance 10 minute time cap 20 sets of 5 UB CTB Record time to complete or the number of UB sets completed. EMOM x 15 One = 200 m Row Two = 10 HSPU (kipping okay) Three = 2 bottoms up pistol (1 ea) Sport 20 minutes Snatch technique work as needed based on this weeks training, keep loading under…

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