Category Archives: WOD

WOD NOTES Every minute on the minute power development. Focus is on the clean today. Score is total # or pounds lifted. The challenge is 5000#/8000# Fitness and Performance EMOM x 5 3 Power Cleans Rest 3 minutes EMOM x 5 2 Power Cleans Rest 3 minutes EMOM x 5 1 Power Clean Rest 3 minutes EMOM x 5 1 Squat Clean Sport Prep Wall clock x 6 each Overhead pullaparts in squat x 15 reps Banded lateral release x 10 reps each Clean grip OHS 4 sets x 3 reps This is to prepare for the squat jerks Squat Clean + Squat Jerk 8 x 1 Have some fun with this movement. Work up in weight and have some fun with this mobility/positioning exercise. HBBS 3 x 4 @70% 2 x 4 @75%

WOD NOTES Some pushing strength work followed by a quick EMOM. FitnessĀ  Shoulder prep Indian clubs x 20 reps Band pull aparts x 15 reps Dowel passthrus x 12 reps Push press 4 sets x 4 reps EMOM x 10 3 Burpees 6 Wall balls Performance Shoulder prep Indian clubs x 20 reps Band pull aparts x 15 reps Dowel passthrus x 12 reps Push press 4 sets x 4 reps @75% EMOM x 10 3-5 CTB 3-5 Ring dips Sport 30-45 minutes Active recovery of your choice

WOD NOTES After yesterday’s upper body endurance work it’s time to get squatting again…. FitnessĀ  Back Squats 5 sets x 3 reps Working on perfecting your position on each set 3 sets for times 250 m row 50 air squats Rest 3 minutes Performance Back Squats 2 sets x 3 @70% 2 sets x 3 @75% 1 set x 3 @80% 3 sets for times 400 m row 50 air squats Rest 3 minutes Sport Snatch grip Sotts press 5 x 5 Power clean + Power jerk 3 x 1 @70% 2 x 1 @75% No feet – Snatch 3 x 1 @70% 2 x 1 @75% Loading based off your no feet snatch 1 RM If you don’t have a 1 RM then 10% off your Snatch max then calculate the %’s  

WOD NOTES Testing your skipping mechanics then some pushing endurance. For the strength superset take your time with the movements and build loading over each set. Pay close attention to the tempo today. FitnessĀ  DU Practice 30 seconds DU practice 30 seconds Rest x 4 sets 4 sets Band pull aparts x 12 (31X1) Bench press x 8 (32X2) Rest 3 minutes 3 sets Close grip DB press x 12 Band triceps kick back x 15 Rest 2 minutes Performance DU Tester 5 x 30 UB Rest 1:1 4 sets Band pull aparts x 12 (31X1) Bench press x 8 (32X2) Rest 3 minutes 3 sets Close grip DB press x 12 Band triceps kick back x 15 Rest 2 minutes  
