Category Archives: WOD

WOD NOTES Today’s team effort will consist of a movement and a cardio piece. Person one will continue performing reps until the cardio piece is complete. Each partner must complete the cardio piece before moving stations. Score will be time to complete and max reps. Fitness and Performance Prep x 2 Dowel pass thru x 10 Frankenstiens x 1 length Band good morning x 10 For time: Station one: Partner one completes 500 m row Partner two performs AMRAP Wall balls Station two: Partner one completes 1 KM Assault bike Partner two performs AMRAP KB swings Station three Partner one completes 500 m Ski erg Partner two performs AMRAP Box jumps or step ups Station four Partner one completes 400 m run Partner two performs AMRAP Push press 45/35 Sport 30 minutes Build up to 1 RM Snatch 30 minutes Build up to 1 RM C&J  

WOD NOTES Testing your gymnastics endurance. Fitness For times 400 m row +10 Push ups  + 10 Horizontal ring row Rest 3 minutes 400 m row + 8 Push ups  + 8 Horizontal ring row Rest 3 minutes 400 m row + 6 Push ups  + 6 Horizontal ring row Rest 3 minutes 400 m row + 4 Push ups  + 4 Horizontal ring row Rest 3 minutes 400 m row + 2 Push ups  + 2 Horizontal ring row Performance For times 400 m row +10 Strict HSPU + 10 Strict Pull ups Rest 3 minutes 400 m row + 8 Strict HSPU + 8 Strict Pull ups Rest 3 minutes 400 m row + 6 Strict HSPU + 6 Strict Pull ups Rest 3 minutes 400 m row + 4 Strict HSPU + 4 Strict Pull ups Rest 3 minutes 400 m row + 2 Strict HSPU +…

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WOD NOTES Working the negatives again today. Stay focused and if you need it have someone count for you 😉 Fitness and Performance Squat 5 sets x 3 @75% (5 seconds eccentric) EMOM x 12 Odds = 12 Sit ups Evens = 12 Lunges Sport E2MO2M x 6 Clean and Jerk @85% HBBS 5 sets x 4 reps Work up positional max today Core bonus Strict hanging knee raises 3 sets x 6 reps

WOD NOTES Working on some snatch technique today. For the fitness group focus on learning and understanding the mechanics and for the Performance group its time to start developing efficient barbell cycling. Fitness 15 minutes Snatch technique work For time: 15-12-9 Alternating DB Snatches Burpees Performance 15 minutes Build up to heavy double For time 9-7-5 Power Snatch 135 CTB Pull ups
