Category Archives: WOD

WOD NOTES Maintaining core stability and posture will be essential. Stay focused during the lowering phase of the dead lift. Fitness and Performance Dead lift 5 sets x 3 @75% (5 second eccentric) Bench press 5 sets x 5 @65% (5 second eccentric) Sport 5 sets Hang power snatch 3 sets @80% 2 sets @85% Front Squat Build up to 3 RM Push press Build up to 5 RM

WOD NOTES Monday chipper. Fitness and Performance Rowing warm up 10 Legs onlys 10 Legs and hips 10 Full @22 10 Full @26 10 Full @28 For time 50 Calorie Row 40 KB Swings 30 Wall balls 100 DU 30 Wall balls 40 KB Swings 50 Calorie Row Sport 15 minutes Build to a heavy Snatch balance Snatch Build up to 85% Then… 3 singles @90% 2 singles @92.5% Core Bonus 3 x 15 V ups

WOD NOTES Starting things off with some hip power development followed by a team chipper. Fitness and Performance 15 minutes 1 Power clean + 1 Hang power clean Teams of 2, Alternating reps as needed For time: 100 KB Swings 100 Wall balls 100 Calorie Row Sport Dynamic prep Indian clubs x 20 Russian baby maker x 2 minutes Dowel passthru + Sotts press + OHS x 6’s Snatch 5 sets @80% 5 sets @ 85% Clean and Jerk 4 sets @ 85% 3 sets @90% 2 sets @95% 1 sets @97% (or better?)

WOD NOTES Starting with some strength. And finishing with an every minute on the minute conditioning effort. Fitness and Performance 20 minutes Front Squat x 1 + Push press x 2 EMOM x 12 5 DB Hang clean and press or push press 2 V Sit ups or T2B Keep adding 2 V sit ups until failure then start back at 2 and keep adding back up Sport Dynamic prep Indian club circles x 20 Partner chest opener x 90 seconds Boot straps x 6 Clean Grip OHS 4 x 3 BTN Jerk 6 x 1 Jerk recoveries 4 x 2 @100% 3 x 1 @105%
