Category Archives: WOD

WOD NOTES Pausing deadlifts will require lighter loads and perfect posture. Hold each pause for 3 seconds. Fitness and Performance 5 sets Segmental Dead lifts x 3 Pause below knee and above knee 4 sets Bulgarian split squats x 8 each One arm DB Row x 10 each Band reverse fly’s x 15 Rest 60 seconds between each movement Sport Dynamic prep Prayer stretch x 2 minutes Wrist stretch x 2 minutes Primal pass thru x 6 each C&J x 15 sets 5×1@80%, 5×1@85%, 5×1 @87.5% HBBS to parallel 5 x 5 Positional heavy not maxes slightly heavier than last week

WOD NOTES Skill and cardio session today. Fitness and Performance Part one: For time 10-20-30-40-50-40-30-20-10 Unbroken DU’s 8 minute time cap Part two: 3 sets 2 minutes Assault bike 2 minutes Rest 2 minutes Ski erg 2 minutes Rest 2 minutes Row 2 minutes Rest Record total number of calories completed

WOD NOTES Wide stance box squats today. Not max effort, but keep it on the heavy side. @2:26 in the Video Mark Bell talks technique….enjoy Fitness and Performance 20 minutes Box Squats x 5’s Work on position and activating the glutes. 8 minute AMRAP 2-4-6-8-10-12-14 DB Snatches Alternating Burpees Sport 2 minutes wrist stretch 2 minutes front rack stretch 2 minutes russian baby makers Work up to heavy 5 Box Squat 4 sets Push press x 8 + Band Pull aparts x 12 4 sets Landmine row x 12 + Band lat pulldown x 10

WOD NOTES Today we will visit some CrossFit friends to help bring in the holiday. Bring a partner along to share the visit. The gym will me sectioned into 3 stations, every 8 minutes your team will move stations and perform the work in an alternating pattern. Work is divided as needed. Fitness and Performance 5 minute AMRAP “Cindy” 5 pullups 10 push ups 15 air squats —-Rest 3 minutes—- 5 minute AMRAP “Annie” 30 DU 30 Sit ups —Rest 3 minutes— 5 minute AMRAP “Kelly” 30 Calorie Row 30 Wall balls 30 Box jumps Sport Sotts Press 5×5 15 sets of Snatch 5×1@80%, 5×1@85% 5×1 @87.5% Halting Snatch DL 5 sets x 3 reps @110%
