Category Archives: WOD

WOD NOTES Team fun for saturday. Part 1: 5 minute AMRAP Rowing and DU One person rowing the other skipping Rest 5 minutes Part 2: Teams of 2, Working in an alternating pattern 15 minute Clock 10 Burpees 10 Pull ups 10 Box jumps 10 KB Swings 10 Calorie Row add 2 reps each additional round Sport Clean and Jerk waves 80,82,84,86,88% 82,84,86,88,90% Snatch 80,82,84,86,88% 82,84,86,88,90%  

WOD NOTES Goal is 3000m+ for this workout. Fitness and Performance 20 minute AMMAP Every 2 minutes Get off the rower and perform 10 wall balls Start the workout with 10 wall balls Compare to Aug. 25. 2014 Sport Empty bar warm up as needed E2MO2M 4 sets x 2 muscle snatch then… 5 sets x 2 power snatch then… Halting Snatch DL + Snatch 2+1 Compare to April 4 2016

WOD NOTES Core stability under fatigue is a big test. Good luck today REBELS. Fitness and Performance 3 rounds not for time 1 length – toy soldiers 1 length – bear crawl 1 length – frogger 10 minutes TGU practice 5 rounds Assault bike x 30 sec Hollow rocks x 60 sec Rest 90 seconds Sport Sotts press 5-5-5-5 Every 75 seconds x 10 Clean and Jerk @82.5% HBBS to parallel 4 sets x 5 Heavy positional maxes

WOD NOTES MetCon day. Fitness group focus on efficient clean technique. We’ve been working this movement for that past few months. Performance group lets find a pace that will allow you to move efficiently and keep moving through the 5 sets. Fitness 15 minutes working power clean technique Power clean + 2 cleans 5 Sets for time: 8 DB Hang cleans 5 DB STOH 24 DU or 50 SU Rest 90 seconds between sets Performance 15 minutes Work up to heavy Power clean + cleans 5 RFT 3 HSPU 6 DB Hang cleans 40#/25# 12 Pull ups 24 DU
