Category Archives: WOD

WOD NOTES Pulling strength testing. Fitness and Performance 20 minutes Build up to heavy 3 Sumo Dead lift 4 sets One arm DB Row x 10 each Trap 3 raises x 5 (5 sec pause) Biceps curl x 12 Sport Dynamic prep Prayer stretch x 60 sec Wrist stretch x 60 sec Wall squat x 5 (slow reps) Front Squat complex 3 x 1 @77.5% 2 x 1 @80% Split Stance DB Shoulder press Build up to 10 RM Then… 3 sets of 10 @90% of today’s # 5 sets Strict pull ups x 6 Rest 60 seconds HS hold x 30 seconds Rest 60 seconds

WOD NOTES Building endurance with these increasing intervals. This workout will give you 3 attempts to complete it. Each interval increases in length. Start each interval back at the beginning. Fitness 3 minute AMRAP 20 calorie Row 20 Wall balls 30 Ab mat sit ups 30 KB swings 20 Burpees 30 DB Snatches Rest 3 minutes 6 minute AMRAP Rest 3 minutes 9 minute AMRAP Performance 3 minute clock 20 calorie Row 30 Wall balls 20/14 20 T2B 30 KB swings 24/20 20 Burpees 30 DB Snatches 60/40 Rest 3 minutes 6 minute AMRAP Rest 3 minutes 9 minute AMRAP Sport 5-5-5-5 Snatch grip sotts press Snatch Every 90 seconds x 10 3 x 2 @77.5% 4 x 1 @80% 3 x 1 @82.5% Sumo Deadlift Find 5 RM Then…. 3 sets of 5 @85% of today’s #

WOD NOTES The core work will need to be completed before switching. Each person will complete 5 full sets. Teams of 2, both working at the same time 5 RFT 500 m row 30 Sit ups or 20 T2B Sport MOCK WL MEET Weigh in and Judged Goal is 6/6 Attempt 1 @90% Attempt 2 @94% Attempt 3 @97%

WOD NOTES Shoulder hypertrophy training day. Fitness Dynamic prep Indian clubs x 20’s Super nova rear delts x 2 minutes Part one: 3 sets Strict shoulder press x 10 + band pull apart x 20 Rest 2 minutes Part two: 3 sets DB alternating Z press x 16 + Trap 3 raises x 6 (w/pause) Rest 2 minutes Part three: 4 x 90 second rounds 15/12 Calorie Assault Bike Sand bag carry x AMRAP Rest 3 minutes Performance and Sport Dynamic prep Indian clubs x 20’s Super nova rear delts x 2 minutes Part one: 3 sets Strict HSPU max reps + band pull apart x 20 Rest 2 minutes Part two: 3 sets DB alternating Z press x 16 + Trap 3 raises x 6 (w/pause) Rest 2 minutes Part three: 4 x 90 second rounds 20/15 Calorie Assault Bike Sand bag carry x AMRAP @125/80 Rest 3 minutes…

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