Category Archives: WOD

WOD NOTES Time to work the weaknesses. Fitness and Performance GOAT DAY EMOM x 20 Alternating between 2 movements Sport Dynamic prep Indian club circles x 20 Dowel passthru x 10 Dowel sotts press x 10 Snatch grip Sotts press x 5 EMOM x 15 Snatch 3 sets @70% 3 sets @75% 3 sets @80% 3 sets @85% EMOM x 10 Clean and Jerk 80%

WOD NOTES We work with the parallel back squats again this week. Perform 6 reps @70% then rest as needed then perform 3 reps @80%. If you are still discovering what your true percentages are, use your trainer as a resource they will help with the appropriate effort. Fitness Back Squats – To parallel 6 @70% 3 @80% x 3 sets 5 RFT 15 Calorie Row 15 Wall balls Performance Back Squats – To parallel 6 @70% 3 @80% x 3 sets For time 100 Calorie Row 100 Wall balls 20/14

WOD NOTES Testing your upper body strength and endurance. The goal is to establish your 10RM bench press over the 5 sets. Score the workout as follows: The heaviest 10 bench & all pull up reps Fitness 5 sets of complex: Bench press x 10 + Banded strict pull ups x max reps Rest as needed between sets Performance 5 sets of complex: Bench press x 10 + Strict pull ups x max reps Rest as needed between sets Sport Dynamic prep Wrist stretch x 2 minutes Prayer stretch x 2 minutes Primal pass thru x 2 minutes Enderton FS 3 sets @75% 3 sets @78% BTN Pushpress 10 RM Then 2 sets x 10 @90% 3 sets GHD hip extensions x 12 One arm DB Row x 10 each Hanging knee raises x 6-10

WOD NOTES Working some power clean technique today. Fitness/Performance group we have a 8 minute burner. Fitness and Performance 15 minutes Power clean technique work 8 min AMRAP Start with 10 Wall balls Then… 10 DU + 1 Burpee 20 DU + 2 Burpee and so on…. every 2 minutes = 10 wall balls Sport Consistency cycle begins 5 sets Snatch grip Sotts press x 5 Snatch 5 sets x 2 @70% 5 sets x 2 @75% Clean and Jerk 4 sets x 2 @70% 2 sets x 1 @75% 2 sets x 1 @80%
