Category Archives: WOD

WOD NOTES Longer chipper this morning. Fitness and Performance For time: 50 Calorie Row 20 Burpees Farmer carry x 2 20 Slam balls Sand bag carry x 2 20 KB Swings 50 Calorie Assault bike 20 KB Swings Sand bag carry x 2 20 Slam balls Farmer carry x 2 20 Burpees 50 Calorie Row Sport Dynamic prep Indian club circles x 20 Primal pass thru x 1 length Band reverse flys x 15 Every 90 seconds x 8 sets Snatch @80% Every 90 seconds x 8 sets Clean @80% 30 minutes Build up to Split Jerk 1 RM

WOD NOTES Testing your gymnastics endurance today. Continue each set where you left off. Score the total number of rounds of Cindy you complete. Fitness and Performance 4 sets x 5 minute clock 250 m row 1 round of “Cindy” 250 m row 2 rounds of “Cindy” 250 m row 3 rounds of “Cindy” Rest 3 minutes between sets Sport Heaving Snatch Balance Build up to 1 RM Split jerk recoveries 90% x 2, 100% x 2, 105% x 1 x 2, 110% x 1 x 2  

WOD NOTES The slow lowering phases today will require much focus. Position is key for each rep. Fitness and Performance Back Squats 5 sets x 3 reps @70% (5 second eccentric) 4 sets RDL x 5 (w/5 sec hold @knee) + Dragon Lunges x 10 reps Add load if proficient Rest 2 minutes between sets Sport Dynamic prep Prayer stretch x 60 sec Wrist stretch x 2 minutes Frogger s 60 sec 4″ Deficit Cleans 5 sets x 1 @75-80% HBBS 5 sets x 3 reps @72.5% w/5 sec eccentric 4 sets Seated alternating DB shoulder press x 16-20 BB RDL x 5 (5 sec hold at knee) V sit ups x 12  

WOD NOTES Repeatable power output testing. Take your 2 K Row pace then add 25 seconds and divide by four. Your goal is to row at the pace and ski at pace +5. Good luck and stay smooth. Scores will be + or – today’s goal. Fitness and Performance 500 m Row @22-26 Rest 3 minutes 500 m Ski @26-30 Rest 3 minutes 500 m Row @22-26 Rest 3 minutes 500 m Ski @26-30 Rest 3 minutes 500 m row @22-26 Rest 3 minutes 500 m Ski @26-30
