Category Archives: WOD

WOD NOTES This workout is about testing your gymnastics endurance. Work at a moderate pace during each cardio piece and do the best you can to complete each gymnastics piece with perfect reps. Break up reps as needed. Record the number of reps you complete on each piece: Example = Ski 12 calories + 10 ring rows = 22 You will have 3 scores today: One for the ski piece, one for the bike piece and one for the row piece. Fitness 3 rounds 60 seconds Ski Erg Cals 120 seconds Rest 60 seconds Assault Bike Cals 120 seconds Rest 60 seconds Row Cals 120 seconds Rest During your rest period: 1= 10 elbows out ring row 2= 10 pushups 3= 10 V Sits Performance 3 rounds 60 seconds Ski Erg Cals 120 seconds Rest 60 seconds Assault Bike Cals 120 seconds Rest 60 seconds Row Cals 120 seconds Rest…

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WOD NOTES Some mixed modal 6 minute intervals. Move quickly and efficiently through both pieces. Fitness 10 minutes KB technique work 6 minute AMRAP 21 Calorie row 15 Kettle bell swings 9 Burpees Rest 6 minutes 6 minute AMRAP 9 Step ups 12 KB/DB Snatch (6 each) 15 Hollow rocks Performance 10 minutes Working on barbell cycling technique. 6 minute AMRAP 12 Power Snatch 75/55 9 Burpee over bar Rest 6 minutes 6 minute AMRAP 9 Power cleans 95/65 12 box jumps 30/24″ 30 Calorie Row

WOD NOTES Some lat hypertrophy work followed by a quick burner. Fitness 4 sets Chinese DB Row x 10 Band lat pull downs x 12 Band reverse fly’s x 15 For time 21-15-9 Rowing Calories Push ups Performance 4 sets Chinese DB Row x 10 Band lat pull downs x 12 Band reverse fly’s x 15 For time 21-15-9 Ski erg calories Pull ups Sport Deficit Power Snatch 5 sets x 1 @80% Split Jerk 8 sets x 1 @80-85% Enderton Front Squat Complex (1=3reps)  Rep 1 = 3sec pause @ bottom, rep 2 = double bounce rep 3 = normal front squat 6 sets @70% RDL 4 sets x 8 reps 3 second eccentric

WOD NOTES Building some endurance today. Add calories and wall balls reps for a score today. Good luck. Fitness  15 minutes Front Squat technique Address any mobility issues as needed 5 sets 30 seconds Row Cals 60 seconds Wall balls 90 seconds Rest Performance 15 minutes Build up to heavy triple Front Squat 5 sets 30 seconds Assault bike Cals 60 seconds Wall balls 90 seconds Rest Sport Snatch grip Sotts press 3 sets x 5 reps Every 75 seconds x 10 sets 1 Deficit Snatch 75%-80% Snatch Deadlift (deficit) Build to 5 RM Then 4 sets x 2 reps @5 RM loading from today Strict hanging leg raises 3 sets x 6 -12
