Sept 10 2016
WOD NOTES Today’s workout is taken from the CrossFit Team series. Scale loading as needed and have some fun with this one. The 2 pieces will be performed in teams of 2. Fitness and Performance CrossFit Games Team series Event 4 and 3 10 minutes Establish 1 RM Hang Power clean each person Rest 5 minutes 5 min AMMAPRowing Alternating work as needed Immediately into: 5 min AMRAP Push press 115/80 (no racks permitted) Alternating work as needed Sport Dynamic prep Indian club circles x 20 Partner chest opener x 45 sec Prone I-T-Y-W’s x 6 each Push press + Push jerk 5 sets x 1 @90% of push press HBBS to parallel 9 sets x 3 reps 3 @65%, 3 @70%, 3 @75% 3 sets DB Walking lunges x 20 steps 3 sets GHD hip extensions x 10-12 reps
Sept 09 2016
WOD NOTES Its been a solid week of training thus far….some of us are feeling a bit tight so today is all about movement and flow. Keep moving today, but keep the intensity low and enjoy the movement patterns. Hope you guys enjoy this one and the body feels refreshed for the weekend ahead. Fitness and Performance 30 minute running clock 20 calorie row @20 SPM Heavy sand bag carry x 1 15 Calorie Ski Erg @26 SPM TGU x 2 each 10 calorie Assault bike @BW Watts Mace Lap Squat to 360 x 20 Sport “Mock WL meet” 3 attempts at both lifts
Sept 08 2016
WOD NOTES Lower body strength work today. Fitness and Performance Back Squats to parallel 6 sets of 3 3 sets @65%, 3 sets @75% RDL 4 sets x 8 reps DB Weighted Russian step ups 3 sets x 6 reps each Sport Dynamic prep Prayer stretch x 60 sec Half kneeling wall clock x 6 each Wrist stretch x 2 minutes Hang power clean 5 sets x 3 reps @75-80% Every 90 seconds x 9 sets 1 Jerk @75-85% Sumo Dead lift Find 5 RM RDL 3 sets x 8 reps
Sept 07 2016
WOD NOTES Developing solid gymnastics strength and endurance. Fitness 15 minutes Rope climb technique work EMOM x 10 Odds = Australian pull ups x 6-10 Evens = V ups x 10-15 Performance 5 sets x 1 L sit Rope climb EMOM x 10 Odds = CTB x 3-8 Evens = V ups x 10-15