Sept 06 2016
WOD NOTES Upper body pressing focus. Fitness Floor press x 8-12 reps Incline DB Press x 10-12 reps Band chest fly’s x 12-15 10 minute AMRAP 250 m run Push ups x 10 Performance Floor press x 8-12 reps Incline DB Press x 10-12 reps Band chest fly’s x 12-15 10 minute AMRAP 250 m run Ring dips x 10 Sport Dynamic prep Indian club circles x 20 Half kneeling wall clocks x 6 each Boot straps x 6 Snatch No contact, No hook, No moving feet Build up to 1 RM Perform as a complex: Pause Front Squats (2 seconds) 7 sets x 2 reps 4 sets @80%, 3 sets @75% + Seated box jump Barbell step ups 3 sets x 6 each leg
Sept 05 2016
WOD NOTES: This workout will be completed as a team. Alternating reps any way the team decides. Record times for each piece. Fitness and Performance Teams of 2, Part A) 3000 m Assault bike 2000 m row 1000 m Ski erg Rest 5 minutes Part B) 5 Rounds: 30 DU 15 Burpees Sport Indian club circles x 20 Half kneeling wall clocks x 6 each Primal pass thrus x 6 each Snatch grip sotts press 3 sets x 5 reps Snatch pull + Snatch 5 sets @85% Clean + Front Squat + Jerk 6 sets @85% Hollow rocks 3 sets x 25 reps
Sept 03 2016
WOD NOTES Fitness and Performance Team “Loredo” 6 RFT 48 Air Squats 48 Push ups 48 Walking lunges 400 m run Sport Dynamic prep Indian club circles x 20 Dowel pass thru’s x 10 Dowel sotts press x 10 20 minutes Work up to heavy set of: 1 Snatch + 1 Snatch balance Deficit Snatch grip DL 5 x 4 @100% of snatch 4 sets Landmine Row x 8-12 Band lat pull downs x 12-15 Rest 2 minutes 3 x 15 V sit ups
Sept 02 2016
WOD NOTES High intensity intervals today… The goal is to keep each piece close in duration. Consistency is key. Fitness Every 4 minutes x 8 sets 10 Calorie Row 8 Calorie Ski 6 Burpees Performance Every 4 minutes x 8 sets 15 Calorie Row 12 Calorie Assault bike 10 Wall balls 20/14 Sport Clean + 2 Hang cleans 4 x 1 @85% of last weeks complex Front Squats 8/3-8/3-8/3 @ 60/85%