Category Archives: WOD

Level 2 Strength/Speed Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1 Fitness and Level 1 Strength 4 sets Push press x 4-6 reps Goblet squats x 6-8 reps Push press: Increase the load each set, Squats: Work on depth and upright torso All levels Conditioning 3 minute running clock x 3 sets work through the following ladder 1 pull up, 1 slam ball 2 pull ups, 2 slam balls 3 pull ups, 3 slam balls 4 pull ups, 4 slam balls ….and so on Rest 3 minutes Continue each set where you left off, record your height up the ladder.

“Dirty Thirty” For time: 30 – Box jump 30 – Jumping pull up 30 – KB swing 16kg 30 – Walking lunges 30 – K2E 30 – Push press 45# bar 30 – Back extensions 30 – Wall ball 20# 30 – Burpees 30 – DU

Competitive group 13.3 12 minute AMRAP 150 wall balls 90 DU 30 MU All levels Strength/Stability 4 sets of: Dumbbell walking lunges x 20 steps Triceps dips x 12 reps Plank hold x 45 seconds Conditioning 4 minute AMRAP 10 KB swings 24/16 10 V sit ups 2 minute Rest 4 minute AMRAP 10 SDHP w/KB 24/16 10 ab mat sit ups

Competitive group Rest/Recovery day and practice skills for 13.3 Wall ball – wide stance, tall posture, relax DU – clam, breathe, hand position MU – aggressive hip extension, Level 1 and 2 6 sets of: 2 minute running clock 300 m row then: max HSPU Rest 2 minutes  
