Category Archives: WOD

WOD NOTES Fun team workout today. You will spend plenty of time with the medball today. Recommended med ball loading is 20/14. Score is the total number of reps completed in 20 minutes. Fitness and Performance 20 minute AMRAP Team of 2, 25 Med ball sit ups (passing back and forth) 20 Burpees (partner holds plank) *15 partner Squats (hold med ball back-to-back) *if you drop the ball = 250 m row 10 Deadlifts each @185/135 Sport Split Jerk Pause in dip and lockout 3 x 1 @80% 3 x 1 @85% 3 x 1 @87% HBBS 5 sets x 8 @90% of your 8 RM (from Thursday) BB Bonus C1) Bench press 3 x 10 C2) Strict pull ups 3 x 8 C3) V ups 3 x 15

WOD NOTES Working your pullup strength. Maintain a solid position while lowering your body. Fitness Pullup negatives 5 x 3 (5 second eccentric) EMOM x 15 1 = 200/150 m row 2 = Heavy strict DB Press x 8-12 3 = Skipping practice x 30 seconds Performance Weighted strict pull ups 5 x 3 EMOM x 15 1 = 200/150 m row 2 = HSPU x 5-10 3 = DU x 30 UB Sport Hang Snatch Build up to 1 RM Press in split jerk stance 5 x 5

DECEMBER NOTES Expect a little more testing this month and workouts that start to feel a lot like the Open. General layout this month: Monday’s = Mash ups (Multiple quick AMRAPs) Tuesdays = Strength & Conditioning efforts Wednesdays = Testing day (TBA) Thursdays = Strength & Conditioning efforts Fridays = Push/Pull Saturday = Team WODs WOD NOTES This is a fun workout and a serious leg burner. This workout might be familiar for a few of you? If this is familiar attempt to increase loading 5% over last time and use 65% for EMOM. Fitness 15 minutes Build up to Power clean technique EMOM x 10 3 Power Clean 10 Jumping air squats Performance 15 minutes Build up to Power clean double then EMOM x 10 3 Power Clean 10 Jumping air squats Sport Hang Clean 3 x 1 @80% 2 x 1 @85% Front Squat Build up to 3…

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WOD NOTES Interval Day… All levels 4 sets 60 sec Assault bike 60 sec Hollow rocks 2 minutes Rest 60 sec Ski erg 60 sec Plank (on rings) 2 minutes Rest
