Category Archives: WOD

WOD NOTES Chip….chip….chipper…. Fitness 15 minutes Practicing power clean technique 12 minute AMRAP 100 single unders 60 calorie row 30 wall balls 10 power cleans @65% of todays # Performance 15 minutes Work up to heavy triple touch and go power clean 12 minute AMRAP 80 DU 60 Calorie Row 30 Wall balls 20/14 10 Power cleans 135/95 Sport Power clean w/2 sec pause @knee 5 x 1 @85% HBBS Build up to 8 RM Then… 3 x 4 @same load C 1) Bullet Squats 4 x 8 C 2) Partner Glute Ham raises 4 x 6 C 3) Single arm cable row 4 x 12 Rest 2 minutes between sets

WOD NOTES Some strength work followed by a little AMRAP. No racks for the barbells today. Fitness 4 sets Seated DB Shoulder press x 8-10 reps Band pull aparts x 15 reps Band Triceps push down x 12 reps 10 minute AMRAP 30 Calorie Row 25 Bent over barbell row 45/35 20 V ups 15 Push press 45/35 Performance 4 sets Seated DB Shoulder press x 8-10 reps Band pull aparts x 15 reps Band Triceps push down x 12 reps 10 minute AMRAP 40 Calorie Row 30 CTB Pull ups 20 T2B 10 HSPU  

WOD NOTES Squat focused strength work followed by a 5 round conditioning piece. Fitness 8 minutes of ankle/wrist mobility Front Squats Build up to a heavy 3 5 sets 5 push ups 10 elbows out ring rows Performance 3 sets of 10 pistols Front Squats 3-3-3-3-3 Goal is 85% on the last set of 3 5 sets 8 burpee box jumps 1 rope climb Sport Jerk w/2 sec pause in dip 3 x 1 @80% 3 x 1 @85% 3 x 1 @90% Clean w/2 sec pause @knee 5 x 1 @85% Front Squat w/pause @bottom Work up to 1 RM then.. 4 x 2 @80% or today’s load

WOD NOTES Today we sadly say goodbye to a good friend. This workout is one to remember. Fitness Alison’s “good bye chipper” 50 Calorie Row 40 Wall balls 30 Ab mat sit ups 20 KB Swings 10 Burpees 20 KB Swings 30 Ab mat sit ups 40 Wall balls 50 Calorie Row Sport Snatch grip Sotts press 3 x 5 Every 2 minutes Snatch w/pause @knee 3 x 1 @77% 3 x 1 @82% 3 x 1 @85% Work up to 5 RM Positional Clean Deadlift Then… 2 x 3 @same load 2 x 2 @same load
